Volunteer Abroad: 6 Criteria for Choosing Volunteer Program Abroad

There are hundreds of options for volunteering abroad and sometimes it might be confusing to choose the right program or volunteer work and the country you want to travel to. So before you start searching for your volunteer opportunities abroad, you should ask yourself a few questions. These questions are reflecting the 6 criteria that are important to consider prior to involving in volunteer tourism.

Price: How much does it cost to volunteer abroad?

How much money can I spend on the volunteer trip?

The price varies a lot. You can find projects where you don’t have to pay any registration fee or program fee. There are also projects with registration fees which are $100 or $300 depending on the particular organization. The program fees can start somewhere at $200 and go up to $2500 per week. The organization offering volunteer programs should state how the fees are used, to see where your money goes.

Then you must take into account travel expenses. Of course, it depends on the destination you want to travel to. If you are curious how much do flight tickets cost you can check the prices here. You have to also pay for medical and travel insurance, vaccinations if needed, a visa, sometimes a work permit and your personal expenses for traveling, and other usual expenditures like presents, souvenirs...

Time: timing and length of the volunteer program 

How much time can I offer and when can I go?

Some volunteer programs are flexible and you can choose how many weeks you want to volunteer for. Very often volunteers choose between 1 and 6 weeks. If you can offer more of your time, then you can find projects where you can volunteer for six months, even for the whole year

Not only length but also a time when to travel is very important. If you are free to undertake the volunteering work any time in the year but you want to spend abroad just a few weeks, then it is good to consider the climate and the seasons which are good for traveling in that particular county. 

Types of Volunteer Work: What will I do?

What field would I like to volunteer in? What are the volunteer opportunities?

This is very important because you probably want to do some volunteer work which you will enjoy or it has your interest in some ways. Perhaps, you are an expert in some field and you want to offer this expertise. Then you will search for a volunteer opportunity in the same field. Or you are a student and the volunteer program might be a part of your work experience. So you should search for a volunteer project that corresponds to your course.

Here are some areas of volunteer work you can do abroad: teaching, childcare, art, music and culture, marine conservation, wildlife and animal care, health and medical, sports, constructions, building and renovations, community development, women’s empowerment, refugee support, technologies and more.

Destination: attractivity, security, and need for volunteers 

Is it important for me to volunteer in a destination where the volunteers are needed the most? Or do I want to visit some specific country, and volunteering is just an addition to my traveling?

For someone who is more interested in traveling than the type of volunteer program, the destination might be very important. On the other hand, someone who wants to be involved in a particular program type should be more flexible in choosing the destination. 

You can volunteer in various attractive and exotic countries but when choosing the destination it is important to consider:

  • local safety and security
  • requirements for a visa/work permit
  • climate and weather in the particular season
  • distance for the travel costs
  • required or recommended vaccinations

Impact: Importance of volunteer work and its impact on society/nature

Is the particular volunteer work, eventually helping others more important than other aspects of volunteer tourism (e.g. traveling or meeting new people/making connections) for me? 

If you decide to volunteer you most likely want to have a good impact on society or on nature. Most of the projects for volunteers are set and managed efficiently and in a good way, so your voluntary work will have a positive impact. Unfortunately, there are cases of negative impact on some communities and the environment caused by volunteer tourism. You can read about these problems in this article: Negative and positive aspects of volunteer tourism. So it is important to do the research and see the efficiency and the impact of the particular volunteer project while choosing it. 

Support: Preparation/training and support for/while volunteering

Do I need assistance with preparing for my voluntary work and during the work or am I experienced and I will manage most of the things on my own? Do I know what to expect from e.g. exotic country?

This criterion might be the most important for a smooth process of getting and being involved in volunteering abroad. You can come across various durations and intensities of preparations and training for volunteering abroad. This depends on the particular organization and the type of project. 

In general, there should be a preparation program in your home country when you learn about the project, culture, and all the requirements perhaps risk connected with the journey. This might be a two-hour online seminar or eight weekends long course lasting one year. The training for your job will be probably carried out in the place of your volunteering by the hosting organization. 

Suppor is another essential aspect of volunteer tourism. It is always important to know where you can seek help in case of any problems. It depends on what problem you have to deal with but you should always have the option to get support from your sending (home) organization. In case you went volunteering on your own, you should know important contacts for at least your embassy, insurance, and local emergency services.

Skills: Do I need any specific skills and qualifications for volunteering abroad?

Am I experienced and skilled enough to offer my expertise or am I still learning and I need some work experience?

Your skills and qualifications might be essential for some projects whereas for some other projects any specific skills or qualifications aren’t required. If you choose a project where the specific skills are required, you might go through the assessment process similar to applying for a regular job to be accepted. On the other hand, you can choose from hundreds of projects which don’t require any skills or qualifications from volunteers and your work will be still very important. 

Volunteer tourism is rewarding but it can be harmful too

Hopefully, this article was helpful, and choosing a volunteer project will be easier for you, or you will be able to advise someone else. Volunteering is an activity that makes people feel better and if it can be connected with traveling and exploring new destinations or cultures it is even more rewarding.

Volunteer tourism isn’t always only about volunteering and traveling, but it has more benefits for volunteers. Please, check the following blog post if you want to see more reasons why people volunteer abroad: Why do people volunteer abroad and how do they benefit from it?

Unfortunately, as mentioned earlier, in some cases participation in volunteer tourism can be contra-productive or even harmful. Therefore it is always important to learn about the projects you want to be involved in. For more information about the pros and cons in volunteer tourism read here: Negative and positive aspects of volunteer tourism.

Hi, I'm Pavel. I'm here to help you to travel better and more securely in Africa. I've traveled, lived, worked and volunteered, and studied there.

I believe, experience I'm sharing on this blog are inspiring, informative and full of values.

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