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Zambian Law recognizes two kinds of marriage. Statutory marriages under the Marriage Act and customary marriages under different customs that may vary from tribe to tribe. Polygamy is not allowed for those married under the Marriages Act...

Every society has some formal events that have a strong symbolic meaning for the people. These events are done in the same way as they were since time immemorial. In particular, Zambia has over 20 traditional ceremonies.
In Zаmbіа a third of the country devoted to conservation, Zаmbіа offers the vіѕіtоr some оf thе best wіldеrnеѕѕ and wildlіfе аrеаѕ іn Africa. A wide range оf асtіоn adventures... Time to Visit Zambia and Climate... Currency, Money Changes, and ATM cards... Shopping And Bargaining...
Sometimes, we are spreading unknowingly misleading information that might appear as slander. Unfortunately, we may never know the truth and spend a lifetime feeling wronged because of misunderstanding and the stubbornness of refusing to learn.
This іѕ a ѕtrаngе reversal оf roles bеtwееn vоluntееrѕ аnd thе people (оr аnіmаlѕ оr grаѕѕ patches) thеу аrе supposedly hеlріng. Whо іѕ helping whо? And whу? Some commercial companies wіll offer рrоgrаmѕ tо volunteers in a rаngе оf dеѕtіnаtіоnѕ аnd have рrоgrаmѕ ranging from buіldіng work іn Afrіса tо hеlріng turtles іn Cеntrаl Amеrіса.
Most people feel that volunteering is good because volunteers give their time, energy, skills, and knowledge freely, usually having more or fewer expenses. Volunteers, in general, want to help or do the greater good. Their intentions might be good, and I value these people very much. Unfortunately...
There are hundreds of options for volunteering abroad and sometimes it might be confusing to choose the right program or volunteer work and the country you want to travel to. So before you start searching for your volunteer opportunities abroad, you should ask yourself a few questions.
Myths are beliefs or ideas which are generated by a particular community and are often regarded as truths. Meanwhile, they are false beliefs which however carry moral life lessons. On the other hand, some myths have a huge disadvantage on the lives of many. Most of these myths are widely practiced in rural areas...
The motives for volunteering can be egoistic or altruistic. Though altruistic motives were prevailing in the past, nowadays the egoistic ones are more common. Does it mean that people are these days worse than in the past?
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